Tuesday, October 2, 2007

October Offerings...

I am very happy to say I have been very, very busy! I have new places for you to visit, and familiar places that have been updated!

Ranting Raven offering this month...

You are invited to meet "Nellie" in the year 1824. Oh...the pranks she played were many.http://www.rantingraven.com/Exhibit260.php

T.D.I.P.T Mercantile offering this month...

"Weddin' Day" The church had been decorated for fall, with large branches laden with leaves that had once painted the autumn hill sides. Branches fastened to every pillar and hanging from every arch, in the old fashioned way, giving more the look of a forest, than the way they decorate churches now-a-days...http://www.tdiptmercantile.com/artists/ladonnawelter.html

Country Sampler web site and magazine....Please visit my offerings in the November 2007 Homespun Holidays issue, on newsstands now! Or visit their web site:http://www.countrysampler.com/

Hope you enjoy all!

La Donna