Wednesday, February 13, 2008

If Only I Had Her Nose!

Growing up, I was a really big fan of Bewitched (am I dating myself)? I would spend hours dreaming that I could wiggle my nose, and my room would be clean, my homework would be done, and that really cute boy in my English class would give me a call (OK, so none of it really happened, I still dreamed). Last night I woke up wishing I was Samantha again. I dreamed I could wiggle my nose and all the moving boxes would be unpacked, the missing can opener would be found, and everything would be in place.

On my To Do list: Find where I packed my Samantha nose; if unable to locate it, I'm afraid I have a few more days of unpacking. Now, witch box is that nose packed in!?! : )


Debi Ward Kennedy said...

LaDonna, I have the 'Bewitched' theme music as the ringback tone on my business phone. (Seemed fitting as I do work some magic in displays & decor...)Everyone who calls me asks 'Do you wiggle your nose while you work?!' Like you, O how I wish it worked that way!!!

Anonymous said...

LaDonna, here I thought I was the only one....

La Donna Welter said...

: )
La Donna

Sylvia Anderson said...

LaDonna...your a gal after my own heart...I too was a huge fan of Bewitched! I've seen every episode many times over....woudn't it have been great to have her nose? The fun we could have! :)